Weekend Pop Up "ZE∞RO vol.3"


We’ll be participating in an event: "ZE∞RO vol.3", which is a pop-up of artisans
with their crafts & creations in Portland!

The concept this time will be: SIGHT • HEARING • SMELL • TASTE • TOUCH.

Samples of our miso & amazake will be there. They are all natural, unpasteurized,
and naturally fermented. Please come check them out with all your senses!

We’ll share some ideas on ways to enjoy Japanese fermented foods in your daily life,
and DIY tips for Japanese fermentation.

See you there!


<Products & Prices>
- MISO / 味噌 -**
White Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $8.50, 2 lbs - $15.25
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $11.00

Red Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $9.25, 2 lbs - $17.00
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $12.00

Dark Red Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $12.25
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $15.00

Chickpea Miso*
1 lb - $10.00, 2 lbs - $18.50

Dark Chickpea Miso*
1 lb - $13.25

* Our Chickpea Miso and Dark Chickpea Miso are made from
organic chickpeas and non-GMO rice.

- SHIO KOJI / 塩麹 / 塩糀 -**
9 oz - $6.00

- GOMA MISO SAUCE / ごま味噌ソース -**
9 oz - $6.25

- NAMA KOJI / 生麹 / 生糀 -
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $7.00
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $13.00

- ORGANIC AMAZAKE / オーガニック甘酒 -**
1 lb - $7.00 each
Plain (White Rice)
White & Black Rice
Brown Rice
Purple Sweet Potato
Kabocha & Coconut Cream

** The prices include the fee of glass jars. If you return them, we’ll refund:
$0.50 for 1lb jars and $1.00 for 2lbs jars.

- BOOKS / 本 -
Japanese Pickled Vegetables - $16.99
きちんとおいしく作れる漬物 - $11.00 ***
料理用あま酒、はじめました。- $12.00 ***
The author, Machiko Tateno, is Yuri's friend and an expert on Japanese fermented foods. She recently visited Portland and had workshops with us. ***:Written in Japanese.

- OTHERS / その他 -
Jorinji Previous Character “Miss Mii” Tote Bags - $20.00
The bags were hand-crafted by Sumiko Migaki, who was the founder and Earnest’s first wife. The character (Miss Mii) were also designed by Sumiko and had been used as Jorinji’s representative over a couple of decades until we renewed the brand design in 2018. We still love the character and appreciate to hear from some customers who are missing it even now!

T shirts “米T / Kome-T” for Adults - $30.00, for Kids - $25.00
Tote Bags “米トート / Kome-Tote” $25.00
米 (kome) means rice in Japanese.
These items are produced by Asao Obata. He designed these products with respect and appreciation to 米 (kome) and the people who’ve been growing 米 (kome) since ancient times.
Size and design variations are limited.

ー additional info ー

  • We’ll be asking everybody to follow the safety protocols to ensure a safe and enjoyable event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


"ZERO vol.3"に参加します!




See you there!

ー 補足 ー

  • 既にお求めになる商品が決まっているお客さまには、事前注文&お支払いをおすすめします。ご希望の方は、Jorinjiのダイレクトセールご案内ページよりご注文ください。→ 受付は終了しました。

  • 商品のお渡しやサンプルのご提供にあたっては、お客さまの安全面を最優先するよう十分に配慮いたします。お客さまにおかれましてもご理解・ご協力いただけますよう宜しくお願いいたします。

EventsYuri Migaki